Muzzle Training

Muzzle Training

Muzzle Training can be conducted as four in-person or four online sessions

Every dog should be muzzle trained, irrespective of whether or not the dog is reactive or aggressive. Muzzles ensure the safety of other dogs and people, while keeping the dog safe. Muzzles may be required for veterinary visits or trips to the groomer, they are also helpful for dogs who have a habit of picking up garbage while out on walks. It is best to condition your dog to a muzzle before your dog is actually required to wear one. Slowly getting a dog used to a muzzle is less stressful than muzzling your dog when it is suddenly required.

Muzzle Training covers:

  • Selecting the right muzzle for your dog
  • Desensitising your dog to the muzzle
  • Wearing the muzzle (while still having fun)

Please note: I will schedule a mandatory initial consultation to assess your dog and to get a better understanding of you and your home environment. This 60 to 90 minute session is mainly information gathering. This consultation is chargeable. (This is not required for online consultations.)