Leash Walking

Leash Walking

For fully vaccinated dogs

Walking our dogs is one of the best ways to bond with them and create the type of relationship that most pet parents dream of. Unfortunately, in reality, for many pet parents walking their dogs has turned into anything but enjoyable, and is often more a "walking the pet parent" kind of situation, with the dog pulling them along. The more a dog pulls, the less enjoyable a walk becomes and the more reluctant many pet parents become to take their dogs out on what is a basic necessity for any dog

Leash Walking covers:

  • Selecting the right collar & leash for your dog
  • Understanding why dogs pull
  • Pre-walk preparation (what happens before the walk determines the quality of the walk)
  • How to hold the leash
  • Loose leash walking
  • Structured walks
  • Trouble shoot your leash walk
  • Focus Training (LOOK, TOUCH)

Please note:   Prior to starting this training programme, I will schedule a mandatory initial consultation to assess your dog and to get a better understanding of you and your home environment. For leash walking it is also important for me to understand if your dog is reactive to dogs / humans. This 60 to 90 minute session is mainly information gathering. This consultation is chargeable.